VGAPHost von Alexander Gessinger

Glossary / Glossary [Letter B]

VGAP 4-Logo von Tim Wisseman

Table of Terms

 Backup/Restore last turn(s) Bioscanner
  Base Chunnel
  Barbitic Mine Dropper
  Boarding / Boarding Laser
 Bio Computer (Coalition-) build ships

  Backup/Restore last turn(s)

Maybe something went wrong like one of your players sent a trn file, but it came in too late because of problems of his ISP. So you may want to restore the last turn. Tim built in backups for up to the last 5 turns! In his help file Tim describes how to restore a trn file.
You have to look for only 2 files named below and then do what Tim told: Here I have Tim´s comments:

*.YG1: A backup of the last turns YIG file.
*.TN1: A backup of all the TRN files turned in last turn (a PKZIP file).
To restore from the backup files rename *.TN1 to *.ZIP and unzip all the old TRN files. Then rename *.YG1 to *.YIG. With all the safety measures built into host it will be very rare for anyone to have to restore a game from the back up files.

*.TN1; *.YG1 means: 1 turn ago, *.TN2,*.YG2: 2 turns ago,... . So you have to use these files if you want to restore a turn, which is 2 turns ago.

Barbitic Mine Dropper

ship device
Converts ordnance units into Barbitic mines and drops them. Barbitic mines are powerful anti-ship mines that also can be used to destroy enemy minefields. When a barbitic minefield is detonated it does damage to all ships in the field and destroys all minefields in the radius of the field.
When a minefield is set to d e t o n a t e it will do so b e f o r e a l l m o v e m e n t starts. Blowing a Barbitic minefield will completely clear the area of mines and allow safe travel through the area.
All minefields have a limited life time of around 20 turns before they run out of power and disappear.
Any ship belonging to another race moving through your barbitic minefield risks hitting a mine and taking massive damage. Minefields can be stacked on top of one another. Ships traveling speed 12 or less are safe from hitting barbitic mines.

Base Chunnel (=Ground Base Chunnel)

look here.

(Coalition) Bio Computer

Ship Device
The ship must have at least 1 high guard ranger on board the ship for it to give you a combat bonus of +100 accuracy and +50 evasive.
The Bio Computer is always on and uses 4 med units per cycle. If the ship runs out of med units the ship will take a massive amount of system damage.
Ships with this device must always be worried about Privateer ships stealing all the ship's med units disabling most the ships weapons and rendering the ship mostly harmless.


Special Ship Device
Its primary use is detecting native life on planets out to a distance of 700 LY. When on the bioscanner's findings will be reported in the ship's log. Using the scanner does not make the ship any more visible to the enemy than normal.

Boarding / Boarding Laser


Boarding Laser

Special Ship Device look at: Ship Devices Screen

Only used when you are transporting your colonists, troops, crew, or high guard to an enemy ship as a hostile boarding action. The boarding laser helps your troops take over the enemy ship.
It cuts holes in the enemy ship doing between 5% and 300% hull damage to the target depending on the size of the target ship.
To use the device just turn it on and transfer your crew to the enemy target using your transporters.
Tactical hints: There are 200 movement phases and combat will not start until phase 50 so during the first one quarter of movement you have time to fly past an enemy ship, transport over a boarding party, rip the enemy ship up with the boarding laser and get away back out to deep space. You could hyper jump in on top of your victim ship with a hyper drive ship (occurs before movement) and then run away and hopefully be out of combat range before movement phase 50 comes around.

build ships

You can build ships in two ways: (1)Base Overview Screen => Ship || (2)Quick Ship Build

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